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SKU: 105790553019
VAT Included

Track in gpx format of the original Alta Ruta Guadarrama trek 6 itinerary in its entirety (it is not divided into stages) to incorporate into a GPS to guide us and as additional security tool, does not replace the knowledge that must be had to travel by mountain. The technology can fail:  crash, stop working, or most commonly, run out of battery. Add extra batteries or charger to your backpack

There are applications to turn our phone into a hiker-type GPS. We must know its advantages and limitations.  We recommend using in the APP:Maps of SpainNational Center for Geographic Information - CNIG 

Alta Ruta Guadarrama is not responsible for possible errors derived from the use of the track en  GPS receiver devices,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58 activity taken by mountain that each participant must be in possession of the technical knowledge and be equipped according to the needs of the activity, the environment and the weather conditions. More info: 

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