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In compliance with Law 3/2014, of March 27, which modifies the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of Nov. 16. (Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the rights of consumers.) The following policy for reservations, cancellations of activities, returns, changes and transport of products is established. 

We invite you to review the general conditions of sale that regulate the offer and sale of Montnature products. Nature and Rural Life,  through the online store included in this website.
This document contains the Conditions that regulate the use of this website hosted under the domain, as well as any other that could be determined at the time and the contract that binds the two of us, Montnature. Mountain Heritage Dissemination Center  - You and us - (hereinafter the "Conditions").

These Conditions establish the rights and obligations of all users (hereinafter "You"/"your") and those of Montnature. Mountain Heritage Dissemination Center   (hereinafter "we" and "our") in relation to browsing through the website, the acquisition of User status, rights and obligations associated with such condition, as well as the commercial transactions and the use of the services that appear in it. These conditions do not apply to clients with Hospitality and Shop rates, which will be governed by the particular conditions of these clients.
By using this website you are bound by these Conditions, Privacy Policy and Legal Notice, so we recommend that you read these Conditions carefully. If you do not agree with them you should  leave the website.
These Conditions could be modified at any time, so you should read them before placing each order.
All the products offered in are sold directly by Montnature. Mountain Heritage Dissemination Center  with registered office at Calle Ibáñez Marín, 1. 28740. Rascafría (Madrid)

CONTACT: For any type of doubt, query or suggestion, you can send us your comments through our contact form en by e-mail:



All intellectual and industrial property rights of the web domain, as well as its contents,   belong to Montnature. Mountain Heritage Dissemination Center, so no user is authorized to use them, or print them, ni  store them under any physical support in any case other than for their personal use and privada.  Therefore, the modification, decompilation or commercial use of any part of it is prohibited.

The use of the contents of the web domain is only authorized for informative and service purposes, provided that the source is cited or referenced, with the user being solely responsible for the misuse thereof.

Access to this web page does not grant users any rights or ownership over intellectual or industrial property rights or the contents it houses. Users who access this website may not copy, modify, distribute, transmit, reproduce, publish, assign or sell the aforementioned elements or create new products or services derived from the information obtained without the express written authorization of Montnature. . Mountain Heritage Dissemination Center

The alteration of the content or structure of this web page by the user is strictly prohibited.

Montnature. Mountain Heritage Dissemination Center  reserves the possibility of exercising the corresponding legal actions against users who violate or infringe intellectual and/or industrial property rights.

In the event that the user detects any activity likely to violate any Intellectual Property, Industrial or any type of right, we request that you notify us of our contact form en

The information that appears on the website is current on the date of its last update. The company reserves the right to modify the contents of the web domain without prior notice, being able to limit or deny access to this website.



Montnature reserves the right to block electronic links directed to the website that do not have prior express authorization.

In the event that the website contains links to content owned by third parties, Montnature does not assume any responsibility for the information contained in third party websites or for the information contained therein.

Montnature  will remove any link as soon as it becomes aware by any means of the illegality of its content or that the property or rights of a third party are injured from them.


These terms have been designed to create a legally binding agreement between you and us, protecting your rights as a customer and our rights as a business.

These conditions regulate the offer, the purchase acceptance and the shipment of Montnature products. between you and us.

Montnature does not offer the products exclusively to end users for the purchase of non-resale merchandise.

"End user" is understood as any natural or legal person acting within for purposes other than those that are specific to the commercial, business or professional activities that they normally carry out.

Montnature  reserves the right not to attend to orders made by subjects that differ from the end user. Only those end users who have proceeded to register in it in accordance with the provisions of these General Conditions may purchase goods and services marketed through the website.

The conditions of use set forth herein will not be applicable to all those customers who are part of groups of hotels, shops or are eligible for other discount groups.


The acquisition of the status of registered user allows browsing through the restricted access areas that appear on the website, the use of services for which prior identification is necessary and the acquisition of Montnature products._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   that could be offered through it.

People of legal age and with full capacity to contract who sign these General Conditions can acquire the status of registered user. The acquisition of the status of registered user implies the reading and express acceptance without any reservation of the terms that make up these General Conditions that you declare to have known prior to their acceptance, and may be stored and reproduced by the latter. Registering as a user is an essential requirement for contracting services or acquiring Montnature.  products through its online store.

The generated username and password that will allow the user to identify themselves and use the service are strictly personal and confidential. The user will be responsible for maintaining their confidentiality. Consequently, the user expressly accepts, unless proven otherwise, that we presume that the uses of the service made using their identification keys are made by the registered user, unless the latter has previously reported their loss or theft.

The password may be freely modified by the user, through the procedures that we have established for this purpose. The replaced password will be annulled as a means of identification, at the same time that the new one is generated.

We may block access to and use of the website when we deem it necessary for security reasons. The Service will be automatically blocked in the event that three successive errors occur in the provision of user passwords for access or use.

We will adopt the necessary organizational and technical measures in our computer equipment to achieve adequate use of the Service by users and prevent unauthorized access whose purpose is to proceed to unauthorized disclosures of the content of the user's financial information accessible through the Service.



The user is obliged to:

- Communicate to Montnature  all the necessary data for access and use of services that require prior identification that must be true, current and adjusted to reality. The user is obliged to accurately and correctly provide their personal data (name, surname, postal address, email and other contact information) and consents that we may use this information to contact you if necessary. If you do not provide us with all the information, we will not be able to process your order. Otherwise,  Montnature will not be responsible in any case for possible delays or failures in delivery as a result of the error or omission of this data.

- The user may not make any fraudulent, false or speculative order. Montnature  reserves the right to cancel the order and/or inform the relevant authorities if it has reasonable grounds to consider it as such.

- By placing an order on this website, you guarantee that you are over 18 years of age and that you have the legal capacity to enter into binding contracts.

- Adopt the necessary security measures, both personal and material, to maintain the confidentiality of your username and password, as well; How to immediately notify Montnature  of the loss, loss, theft, theft or illegitimate access of your username, as well as its knowledge by third parties.

- Make appropriate use of the Services included in the website, always in accordance with the legal system.

- Not to carry out any activity that hinders or interferes with the functioning of the Services, included in the website.

- To the payment of the Montnature products that you have contracted through the website and the shipping and collection management costs, if any.



Part of the information or communications that we send you will be in writing, as required by applicable regulations, therefore by using this website, you accept that most of the communications with us are electronic. We will contact you by email or provide information by posting notices on this website. Accordingly, you consent to the use of this electronic means of communication and acknowledge that all contracts, notices, information and other communications that we send to you electronically comply with the legal requirements to be in writing. This condition will not affect your rights recognized by law. We can send you communications either by e-mail or to the postal address provided by you when placing an order. It will be understood that the notifications have been received and have been correctly made the moment they are posted on our website, 24 hours after an email has been sent, or three days after the postage date of any letter.



Montnature products. Mountain Heritage Dissemination Center  offered are distributed exclusively in the territories of mainland Spain (We do not ship to the Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla and the Balearic Islands).

Any order with a delivery address located outside this territory will be rejected during the processing process.


The content of our website is an invitation to do business. Until your order is accepted by us (even if it has already been charged to your account) there will be no contract between you and us. If your order is not accepted and we have already charged you, the amount will be refunded in full.

After clicking on "buy" you will receive an email as acknowledgment of receipt. This does not imply that the order has been accepted, since it is itself an offer that you make to us to make a purchase. Orders are subject to our verification and acceptance. We will confirm acceptance by sending you an email informing you that the order is being shipped (Shipping Confirmation). Only at this time will the Contract between you and us be formalized.

Only the Montnature products listed in the Shipping Confirmation will be subject to the contract. We will not be obliged to supply you with any other products that may have been ordered until we confirm their shipment in a separate Shipping Confirmation.

Montnature  may refrain from placing orders that do not present sufficient solvency guarantees, or that turn out to be incomplete or incorrect or in the event that Montnature products. Mountain Heritage Dissemination Center  not available, without liability to you or to third parties. In any case, we  promise to inform you and if we have already charged you the amount of the order, we will proceed to refund the amount you have advanced.


You may withdraw from the contract within the following 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date of receipt of the order for food products, except for perishable goods and those others that by their nature may deteriorate or expire quickly. In the case of a household product, you have 15 (fifteen) days to return it. You will be refunded for such Montnature  products following our Return Policy. 

The right of withdrawal will be applicable as long as the Montnature  products are returned in the same conditions in which you received them, together with their complete original packaging, labels and together with any accessories related to them. .

Perishable goods and those others that by their nature may deteriorate or expire quickly are excepted from this right of withdrawal.

We will determine if Montnature products are in the same condition in which they were shipped to you. Products that have been returned damaged, incomplete, deteriorated, used or dirty due to the customer's fault will not be reimbursed and will be made available to the sender and re-sent postage due.
To carry out your right of withdrawal, we invite you to follow our Return Policy.



You agree that the products offered by Montnature  in its online store are subject to stock limits. All orders for Montnature  products are subject to their availability. If any product is not available once the order has been placed, we will inform you as soon as possible. At that time you can modify your order or cancel it.

Montnature reserves the right to modify the products offered on the website at any time without prior notice.



The following procedure has been established for the purchase through the Montnature website

The user must access the online store hosted on the Montnature website where the Montnature products that can be purchased through the aforementioned channel are listed with the following information:

a) Description of the product, characteristics and units of measure.
b) Price per unit of measure and/or weight.
c) Shipping costs.
d) Conditions of validity of the offer, if applicable.

Once the Montnature product or products have been chosen, the user must add them to the cart included on the website, indicating the units they wish to purchase. Once the chosen Montnature products have been included in the shopping cart, the user can access the summary of the purchase that they must accept by clicking on the option Finish the purchase, where the following information is detailed:

a) Image
b) Description.
c) Save to my shopping list.

d) Quantity.
e) Price per unit of measure
f) Total Price of each of the Montnature products purchased.
g) Total Purchase Price.
h) Shipping, gift and return policy.

If the user has a promotion code, it must be included at that time to benefit from the conditions that apply to it. If they wish, they can choose the option of sending the order as a gift and write a card with a message._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Next, the user must provide their data, in the case of a registered user, they must provide the username and password assigned to it. In the event that the user has not previously registered, they must create an account on the website.

Once the user has entered their data, they will access Shipping Details, where they can review their shipping and billing data, modify them and request an invoice; and indicate a note to the carrier.

You will then access Order Confirmation where you will see the shipping and billing addresses, the payment method, accept the general conditions of sale, confirm that you are of legal age, and proceed to accept it by clicking the "Next" button.

In case of choosing the payment method Credit/Debit Card   we will redirect you at this moment to the MONEI payment gateway. In case of using the transfer payment method, you will accept the conditions on our page and we will detail the details to be able to do it.

Once the Confirmation by the User has been carried out, an email will be sent confirming that we have received your order in which you will be informed of the data corresponding to the purchase order placed. Likewise, we will proceed to analyze the purchase order to determine if it meets all the requirements for its processing. Once the verification is done, we will send you an email confirming the order and its shipment or its denial.




mainland Spain. Other options, consult before placing the order.

Reduction of the ecological footprint

Our shipping policy seeks to minimize the ecological footprint of transport in our home deliveries. For this we concentrate all shipments on a single day of the week, Tuesdays.

All orders placed before Sunday 12:00 p.m. will go out on Tuesday of the following week. From that moment the shipment will arrive at its destination between 24 and 72 h. 

The transport of Montnature products will be carried out through different carrier companies of the Genei platform, which will carry out the door-to-door service, usually within a period of 24/72 hours from our shipment confirmation. However, in extreme cases transport incidents could occur, assuring you that the maximum period will never exceed 5 business days from the  shipping confirmation, or we will refund the full amount of your order.

The minimum shipping cost will be €5.00 for standard shipments and will increase depending on the weight and volume of the order up to a maximum of 10 kg. The price will always be indicated before finalizing the purchase process.
Once the order leaves our warehouses, you will be sent an e-mail notifying you that your order has been accepted and is being shipped.

Orders will be sent to the delivery address that you have given us in your form, so it is important that you pay attention when covering the delivery address information. We will not be held responsible in case the delivery address is incorrect or incomplete.

You can track the status of your order through the "My Account" area on our website.

For security reasons, Montnature  will not send any order to post office boxes or military bases, nor will it accept any order when it is not possible to identify the recipient of the order and its address.

To resolve any questions about the transport and delivery process, you can contact the information telephone number 918482249 (Monday to Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.) indicating the tracking number or directly through our contact form en_cc781905- e-mail

Deliveries from Monday to Friday.
Prices with VAT included.



You must notify Montnature. Mountain Heritage Dissemination Center  cases of non-receipt of orders greater than 5 business days.

If we are unable to deliver, the courier company will contact you again to arrange a new delivery date.

When your order is delivered, you must verify that everything is in accordance with what was requested. If there is any discrepancy or problem with the order, you should contact Montnature. Mountain Heritage Dissemination Center  through our contact form at  or  e-mail:orders@montnature.comleaving us your personal data and order number reflecting the discrepancy or problem and we will contact you shortly to solve the incident.


The user acquires ownership of the Montnature products. Mountain Heritage Dissemination Center   at the time you receive the shipping confirmation and the product leaves our warehouses. Responsibility for Montnature products. Mountain Heritage Dissemination Center   will be transmitted to the user at the time the order is delivered.



The prices on our website are shown in euros.

In accordance with current legislation, any purchase made from our website will be subject to Value Added Tax (VAT).

According to Spanish regulations, we are obliged to issue an invoice for orders over €3,000 (VAT included).

The shipping costs will be added in the summary of the purchase, before making the payment.

Montnature. Mountain Heritage Dissemination Center  reserves the right to modify the prices displayed on the site without prior notice.

The price of the products will be the one stipulated at any time on our website, except in the case of manifest error. Although we try to ensure that all prices listed on the page are correct, errors can occur. If we discover an error in the price of the products you have ordered, we will inform you as soon as possible and give you the option of reconfirming your order at the correct price or canceling it. If we are unable to contact you, the order will be considered canceled and the amounts that have been paid will be fully refunded.

We will not be obliged to supply you with the product(s) at the incorrect lower price (even if we have sent you the Dispatch Confirmation) if the price error is obvious and unambiguous and could reasonably be recognized by you as an incorrect price.

The rights recognized by current legislation are protected.

Montnature. Mountain Heritage Dissemination Center  accepts payments by credit or debit card (Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard and Maestro), Pay Pal and bank transfer.

To protect the security of payment by credit or debit card, we use secure payment systems. Confidential payment data is transmitted directly and encrypted (SSL) to the financial institution. When making the payment through a secure payment gateway, the system will automatically verify that the credit card is activated for Secure Electronic Commerce. Then it will connect with the issuing bank of the same, which will request the authentication and authorization of the operation.

For payments by transfer, this must be made from a bank in the European Union assuming absolutely all expenses by the client, making sure that Montnature. Mountain Heritage Dissemination Center  receives the full amount of the order (including shipping and taxes).

At the time you make the transfer, you must indicate the order number and the customer's name and surname as a reference. The term to carry out the transfer will be 3 days from the date the order was placed. This will not be confirmed until the charge has been made effective in our account. If after the period of five days we have not received the payment, we will proceed to cancel the order.

The return will be in the same form of payment. In the case of transfer, you must indicate in the form de  return an account number to make the payment.

Montnature. Mountain Heritage Dissemination Center  reserves the right to verify personal data and adopt the appropriate measures so that the merchandise is correctly delivered.



To return a product you have 15 calendar days from the receipt of the order, not being possible the return of perishable goods and those others that by their nature can deteriorate or expire quickly.

When you receive an order we attach a return form that you must fill in to make the return.

The products must be returned in the same conditions in which you received them, together with their complete original packaging, labels and any accessories related to them. The customer will be responsible for proving that the items have been returned, so we recommend that you always send your returns through a system that certifies delivery for your safety.

Changes or returns of perishable items are not allowed.

You will be responsible for the costs of returning the product and in no case will we accept returns sent postage due.

If your return does not comply with the stipulated terms, you will not be entitled to receive any refund of the amount and we will send you the Montnature products. Mountain Heritage Dissemination Center  a postage due.

If the recipient of Montnature products. Mountain Heritage Dissemination Center  is different from the person who made the payment, the money will be refunded to the person who made the payment.

Montnature products. Mountain Heritage Dissemination Center  returned must be sent in a single delivery. We reserve the right not to accept Montnature products. Mountain Heritage Dissemination Center  which belong to a single order, returned and delivered at different times. Once we verify that the Montnature. Mountain Heritage Dissemination Center   that returns to us meet all the specifications of the Return Policy, we will send you an email informing you that the return has been accepted. Whatever the payment system used by  you, the refund will be made as soon as possible but always within a  period of 15 days following upon receipt in our warehouses of the returned product.

Changes and returns are allowed in our stores.

To make a return you must send us the Montnature products. Mountain Heritage Dissemination Center  together with the return form to the following address:

Montnature. Mountain Heritage Dissemination Center
Cl Ibáñez Marín, 1

28740 Rascafria, (Madrid)

In the case of having made the payment by transfer, to make the return you must attach an account number where you can make the deposit on the return form.



If you receive an incorrect order or defective product, please contact us immediately, within 24 hours, through our contact form en indicating the error or defect along with your personal data.

In the case of problems with the packaging, you must notify the courier company at the time of receipt of the order, indicating it on the receipt or on the electronic tablet of the delivery person.

We will proceed to carefully examine the returned product and we will notify you by e-mail within a reasonable period of time if it is appropriate to return or replace it (if applicable). The return or replacement of the item will be made as soon as possible and, in any case, within 30 days from the date on which we send you an email confirming that the return or replacement of the non-conforming item is appropriate.

The amounts paid for those products that are returned due to a flaw or defect, when it really exists, will be fully reimbursed, including the delivery costs incurred to deliver the item and the costs that you would have incurred to return it to us. The return will be made in the same way that was used to pay for the purchase.

The rights recognized by current legislation are protected.


We offer you the possibility that you can send gifts through our website. You make the purchase from your computer in the usual way, select the shipping address to which we send the gift and mark the option for gifts. You can write a personalized message to the recipient. At this time you will be informed of the added cost of the gift option if applicable. Each "Gift Option" must be associated with a single order and shipping address.

In the event that you provide personal data of third parties, you guarantee that you have the necessary authorizations for their treatment. Likewise, you are obliged to inform said third parties of the terms and conditions of the processing of your data.

If you have received a gift item, to make an exchange or return you will have to follow the usual procedure of our Return Policy. The amount of the return will be refunded to the person who made the purchase and in the same form of payment used.



For security reasons, you will not be able to place orders greater than €1,000 within a period of 15 days. If you are interested in making purchases greater than said amount or amount, we invite you to contact our customer service through our contact form




The products that we present on our website are a careful selection from our collection. We have taken special care to accurately display the colors and characteristics of our products. Of course, each monitor's calibration is different, and we cannot guarantee that your monitor will display colors accurately. A large part of our products are fresh foods in which we show you a presentation suggestion , and the delivered product may not exactly match the image of the online store.

You will have the possibility to rate and comment on our products; To avoid offensive, violent, illegal comments, spam, etc., these will be subject to our validation. You will be solely responsible for the comments you may leave on our website, and Montnature will not be responsible in any case. Mountain Heritage Dissemination Center of the same, nor having the obligation to publish them.


Nothing in these terms of purchase excludes or limits our liability for (1) death or personal injury caused by our negligence, (2) fraudulent misrepresentation, (3) any other liability that cannot be limited or excluded by applicable law.

Subject to the preceding paragraph and to the extent permitted by law, we will not be liable for any economic loss (including loss of income, data, profits, contracts, business or anticipated savings) or loss of goodwill or reputation or of losses for special or consequential damages suffered or incurred by you arising out of or in connection with these Terms.

The provisions of this section do not affect your legal rights as a consumer, nor your right to withdraw from the contract.



We will not be liable for any failure to perform or delay in performance of any of our obligations under a Contract caused by events beyond our reasonable control ("Force Majeure Event").

Causes of Force Majeure will include any act, event, lack of exercise, omission or accident that is beyond our reasonable control and will include, in particular (without limitation), the following:

- Strikes, lockouts or other industrial action.
- Civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist attack or terrorist threat, war whether or not it has been declared) or threat or preparations for war.
- Fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or any other natural disaster.
- Impossibility of using trains, ships, planes, motor transport or other means of transport, public or private.
- Inability to use public or private telecommunication systems.
- Acts, decrees, legislation, regulations or restrictions of other governments.

It will be understood that our obligation to comply under any Contract will be suspended during the period in which the Cause of Force Majeure continues, and we will have an extension in the term to fulfill our obligation for the duration of such period. We will use all reasonable means to bring the Force Majeure Event to an end or to find a solution by which we can perform our obligations under the Contract despite the Force Majeure Event.



The present conditions will be governed by Spanish law. For the resolution of any doubt, discrepancy or divergence that may arise in the fulfillment and interpretation of this contract, the parties submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid or the buyer's domicile.

We inform you of the existence of a European Online Dispute Resolution Platform to which consumers have the possibility to turn for the resolution of any dispute related to online purchases through You can access said Platform through the following link ( Likewise, you can direct us any query or claim through our contact form.

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